What is UrgentAssist™ by CPSprotect™?
UrgentAssist™ is your expert Parental Rights Defense team. When Child Protective Services shows up at your door, when a child custody issue arises, when your spouse decides to leave and take the kids with them, when your parental fitness and rights are called into question…our Proactive Defense System is uniquely tailored to preserve, protect, and defend your parental rights. You shouldn’t have to protect your family alone. With UrgentAssist™ by CPSprotect™, you don’t have to anymore. Whether you’re trying to be smart and prepare for just in case or you have an active situation already, we can be there for you- no matter what state you live in.
Empower yourself and your family.
Subscribe Today
With UrgentAssist™ by CPSprotect™, you can keep your family just the way you want it- happy, healthy and protected.
UrgentAssist™ Basic: Comes with 1 included UrgentAssist™ hour per month, access to UrgentAssist™ Message only (no access to UrgentAssist™ Call or UrgentAssist™ Video) and unlimited access to KynGuard™ and KynGuard™ A.I.
UrgentAssist™ Standard: Comes with 2 included UrgentAssist™ hours per month, plus access to UrgentAssist™ Call, UrgentAssist™ Message and unlimited use of KynGuard™ and KynGuard™ A.I.
UrgentAssist™ Premium: Comes everything in UrgentAssist™, plus a 1 additional included UrgentAssist™ hour (for a total of 3) per month and access to UrgentAssist™ Video.
UrgentAssist™ Ultra: Comes with everything in UrgentAssist™ Premium, plus 2 additional included UrgentAssist™ hours (for a total of 5) per month, priority in the UrgentAssist™ Message queue with 50% lower maximum response time and access to KynGuard™ Templates- our collection of legal templates for motions used successfully in real child welfare cases.
*All UrgentAssist™ subscribers can purchase additional UrgentAssist™ hours as needed here.
Please subscribe below. Purchase an annual subscription to get 3 months free! All subscriptions are billed until canceled. If you’re a new subscriber and don’t change your plan, your pricing will stay the same (even if prices increase for new subscribers) for as long as you have it- so get the most comprehensive plan you may need! UrgentAssist™ hours can be used for any combination of UrgentAssist™ Calls, UrgentAssist™ Messages and UrgentAssist™ Video Meetings. UrgentAssist Video™ is exclusive to Premium and Ultra subscribers only. If you’re an active UrgentAssist™ subscriber, manage your UrgentAssist™ subscription here.
UrgentAssist™ Call = 1.00 UrgentAssist™ Hours each
UrgentAssist™ Message = 0.25 UrgentAssist™ Hours each
UrgentAssist™ Video = 1.00 UrgentAssist™ Hours each