About Us

CPSprotect Consulting Services » About
We take the unknown out of Parental Rights Defense with the expert team and tools to preserve, protect and defend you or your clients- by your side every step of the way- no matter where in the USA you’re located. Our Proactive Defense System is unique; no one else is as efficient or effective for families and legal professionals. All of our consultants have at least two years of experience as CPS investigators or as supervisors at local, state, or federal child welfare agencies and go through extensive additional training.

CPSprotect Consulting Services

Our Story

We were founded in 2022 by a former CPS investigator. Having served as an investigator for years, he realized that while the goals of CPS, Family Court and Juvenile Court are noble in theory, what occurs in practice to millions of children and families is a lot less noble at best. More often than not, families are left off worse than before CPS or the courts got involved. CPSprotect Consulting Services™ is designed to help counterbalance the conditions that put you at a severe deficit in divorce, child custody, CPS, dependency and even CHINS and CINA cases. When it’s your child(ren) that are at stake, nothing is more important. If you think it can’t happen to you- think again. More than 1 in 3 children in the United States will face CPS involvement before reaching the age of 18 and about half of marriages end in divorce.

We are committed to providing quality services to our clients to ensure they can preserve, protect and defend parental rights- whether for themselves, their clients or both. From preemptive measures to every stage of your case, we’ll be right there beside you.

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